Let’s Get Started!

Thank you for purchasing our Gluten-free Rapid Ready Dehydrated Sourdough starter! We’ve got video instructions as well as written instructions for you below.

Gluten-Free Rapid-Ready Starter Rehydration and Starter Maintenance

Rehydration Instructions

1. Before you begin, you will need to mix the flour blend to feed your gluten free starter. Mix equal parts teff and brown rice flour and store in an airtight container.

2. Place all 50g of the Gluten-Free Rapid Ready Dehydrated Starter into a small clean container. A glass container is preferred for visibility, but clear plastic will work just fine.

3. Add 12 grams of your teff/brown rice flour mixture. If you don’t have a scale. you can measure 1 tablespoon of flour, but don’t pack it tightly when measuring

4. Add 50g of room temperature water. If your tap water is treated chemically by your city, please use either filtered water from your fridge or a bottled mineral water. a.     If you don’t have a scale, you can use a scant ¼ cup, so a ¼ cup that isn’t quite full, but almost.

5. With a clean spoon or spatula thoroughly mix everything together until no dry flour remains. The mixture will resemble wet sand.

6. Make sure the sides of your jar are scraped down, lightly tap the container on your counter to remove any air trapped in the mixture, place a lid lightly on the container, and using a rubber band or some masking tape and a marker, indicate the level of the mixture in the jar.

7. The starter needs to be placed in a warm area for the next 12-24 hours, no cooler than 70 degrees. The top of a refrigerator or inside an oven with the light turned on are great options.
8. Place the starter in the warm area. Over the next 12-24 hours you will see your starter come to life. Gluten-free starter will not behave similarly to a wheat-base starter. It will fill with gas as the yeast grows, but it may not double in volume. You will see bubbles in the starter that resemble tunnels and the starter will almost seem foamy with a pungent, but pleasant smell.

9.      Now that your starter is active, you’ll want to maintain it by feeding it with the following schedule. Every 12 hours: remove 10g of starter from your jar and place into a clean container. Alternatively, you can remove all but 10g from your jar and use the same jar. To the 10g of starter add 90g of room temperature water and 100g of your teff/brown rice flour before mixing until no dry bits remain. Mark your starter’s beginning level and place into it åits warm spot. In 12 hours, it should become bubbly and active.

9.     Congratulations on your new gluten-free sourdough starter! Be sure to give it a name and share with us @eatbasilandbloom! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns!